Studies have shown that punctual school attenders are more likely to have success at school. It allows them the opportunity to settle into the class routine before structured teaching begins. Student attendance and punctuality is monitored daily, and all recess and lunch breaks are supervised by teachers.
We're grateful for your cooperation in ensuring that students come to school by 8:55am.
To ensure your child's safety, if your child is still in the playground at 3:30pm, we will telephone you or your emergency contact to make pick up arrangements.
School Times
8:45am - Schoolyard supervision begins
8:50am - Classrooms open
9:00am - Morning learning session
11am - Recess
11:40am - Middle learning session
1:40pm - Lunch
2:20pm - Afternoon learning session
3:20pm - Children dismissed
3:35pm - School supervision ends
Curriculum days
Four days each year are set aside as curriculum days for teacher development. Students should remain at home on these days.